Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016


I'm being lonely
There's must be hoping-cloud
I just don't know how to catch 'em
Just a single hoping is lying
Broke all hoping-cloud
So here I sit under the shade of a tree that someone else planted
Hoping the new hoping-clouds be right to me with feels so willy-nilly


Kegusaran akan sesuatu yg tak pasti

Ohh hati mengapa engkau gusar
Bagai nahkoda yang Di tempa ombak lautan?
Mengapa kau begitu ragu akan awan yang berterbangan?
Mengapa kau risaukan sesuatu yang telah tuhan tentukan?
Dan mengapa pula kau hancurkan cercahan harapan akan hari esok?
Kau hina Bagai binatang jalang
Kau hina Bagai pengemis harta
Kau hina Bagai tikus-tikus pemerintah
Takkah kau tau semua yang kau inginkan adalah sesuatu yang fana!
Cobalah menata hati, damai Dan ikhlas maka cinta yang berkelas akan datang kepadamu!


Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

It Such spin-roulete, don't know where to stop, and feels so guilty when I was away, heart knows where to stand and live, so let 'em figure out themself.... Hope we'll be tough, as tough as coral in the sea... Then if there's your name was written with me, it'll be back with the right way and the right time, Allah knows best!

Minggu, 13 September 2015

between rude and assertive

hai everyone

i'm a new member in blogger, i've been writing since i broke with someone also it's broke my faith on someone's new too. (inallaha ma'ashobirin)

today i'm gonna telling you what is differences between rude and assertive. did you know it's just slightly different! 
Rude describes a type of behavior that isn't appropriate, and usually isn't very nice, either, like yelling, "You stink!" at a children's talent show or socially incorrect behavior.
Rudeness is any behavior that hurts. Be it at work, at home, among friends, online, in school... anywhere for that matter. What differs in each situation and with every individual is the limit set for us. If I tell the same to a classmate who isn't a very good friend of mine, that will certainly look rude. rudeness isn't about morals, it is about personal choices and our own nature. If you try to do that, you will end up feeling suffocated, thus sacrificing your own mental peace and happiness.

Assertiveness is a skill regularly referred to in social and communication skills training. Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting ‘wrong’.

Assertive individuals are able to get their point across without upsetting others, or becoming upset themselves. Although everyone acts in passive and aggressive ways from time to time, such ways of responding often result from a lack of self-confidence and are, therefore, inappropriate ways of interacting with others.
This page examines the rights and responsibilities of assertive behaviour and aims to show how assertiveness can benefit you.
what is the conclusion? it can be guessed! Rude is not educating, and assertive it's educate someone with positive way and also watch the limitation!.